Back in the saddle at VE7NSR. Single-op operation this time round. Amazing conditions with lots of complimentary signal reports from other stations. Stuck to my plan to do mult hunting and just missed out on DXCC on 10m and 15m both with 93 countries!
I think this is the biggest CQWW DX contest score from this station in a long while. I pushed myself quite a bit and would imagine that if I didn’t have a nagging headache on the Sunday I would have crept closer to 1 million points.
In the end a personal best for me in any contest, excluding PJ2T of course, and a real sense of accomplishment. Operating at VE7NSR is always a challenge, especially over all the local RFI in our urban location, but the score proves that it is great station especially on 15m & 10m.

Tags: contest, Contesting, VE7NSR